By ether10 - 04/06/2009 06:27 - United States

Today, my dad asked me to move a potted plant from one side of the yard to the other. It looked like a very heavy pot, so I heaved it up with all my might. Turns out it was one of those heavy-looking ones that are actually light plastic. I fell over backwards and dumped dirt into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 114
You deserved it 19 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

urlifeisraped 0

That's how you do it balls out

I did this once except it actually was heavy and the exertion made the ass of my pants explode


urlifeisraped 0

That's how you do it balls out

Hahahahaha. #1 is right! Balls out man!

To number 7..the story is hillarious not your profile picture by the way.

Have you seen your profile picture? I think it's hillarious! It's something I would do.

138 - No, he hasn't 'cuz he posted by accident.

I did this once except it actually was heavy and the exertion made the ass of my pants explode

Jade_Rothwell 0

So FYL and YDI because yeah, that sucks... but also.. why not just try and lift it first and *then* see if you need more strength.

How did this get through, ur life isn't f****ed cuz u ate some dirt. Wow what a puss