Mommy's favorite flower

By Ouch - 10/10/2019 02:00 - Serbia

Today, I learned how it feels when you fall off a second floor balcony with mom's flower pot then landing on your back. My mom got pissed because of her beloved flowers, and gave me a lecture while I rolled on the ground in pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 694
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

Did the balustrade give way and you fell or were you messing around and fell? You cannot really decide if it was an FML or not without information on why you fell.

Zoey775 16

How did this happen? I need more info.


Zoey775 16

How did this happen? I need more info.

Mungolikecandy 19

Did the balustrade give way and you fell or were you messing around and fell? You cannot really decide if it was an FML or not without information on why you fell.

If the balustrade did give way, the flower pot rolling off the balcony and landing on OP seems plausible. Although I get the feeling OP was ******* around with the flower pot, fell, and hit the ground before the pot hit them. Or the flowers could have been in a hanging basket, and fell after being knocked as OP went down.

Isn't this a gag scene in Kung Fu Hustle lol