By Anonymous - 02/05/2011 17:43 - United States

Today, I helped my parents move out of their old house. While I was guiding my dad down the stairs with the couch, my mom asked me to pick up the tape on the step below me. I bent over and grunted. My dad thought I said "Go" and kept moving. He knocked me down two flights of steps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 732
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL. I don't see why your mom couldn't pick up the tape herself, if she saw you were carrying a large couch.

she always knocks you off the stairs? i dont think your mom does it on accident


Everday 0

don't worry, happens to and my MA ALL the time

she always knocks you off the stairs? i dont think your mom does it on accident

Predental 5

at least op is working. my sister doesn't do shit

Ouch that sucks, at least the couch didn't get dropped on you afterwards or something.

FYL. I don't see why your mom couldn't pick up the tape herself, if she saw you were carrying a large couch.

she wasn't carrying the couch, she was guiding her dad down the stairs. he had the couch.

Everday 0
Hide_Yo_Kids 0

"don't worry happen to me and my ma all the time". don't be an idiot and question another person for some errors in their sentence, use your brain and you can figure it out :)

It's a couch. I doubt the dad was carrying it by himself. I'm assuming the OP was holding the other end, though his dad was holding the majority of the weight. And, despite that, OP's mom was still in the wrong.

Now you have a valid excuse to stop helping. You should be grateful.

Hey, let's be optimistic about this. ... ..At least you aren't Ginger?

xbriix 0

I like the way you think.

XxDarkDavid321xX 1
TheDrifter 23

C'mon, Ginger Canadian girls are one of nature's greatest inventions, soulless or not.

Or let's be optimistic: OP was knocked backwards (I assume) down two flights of stairs and is still able to write an FML! Yaaaay life and full use of a body that could have been handicapable by now!

staceysgenesis16 0

I'm a Ginger who wants to move to Canada :3

jennifer93 0

ouch. but hey looks like you survived!

lol, maybe your dad should get his hearing checked;)

_Itz_Meena_ 0

and her mom should stop being lazy.

rhpsfan9 10

least you have an excuse to sit down and watch them finish unpacking

xbriix 0

You're so stupid, who the **** would pick up tape while holding a couch. This must be fake, ydi, for being a liar.

wiggs5 0

don't be a baby. take it like a man.

MrsOstenson 0
Fobbs 2

#19 Why don't you YOU go fall down two flights of steps and see how "manly" you are then.

staceysgenesis16 0

let me push a sofa down the stairs with you standing in front .. and to mix it up , lets throw in a pool of alligators at the bottom of the stairs .. then we'll see how manly you are afterwards.

you guys are asshoLes..go **** yourselfs.