Sometimes the truth is too weird to believe

By fml9124 - 06/06/2021 14:01

Today, my mom grounded me for smoking cigarettes. I'm 13. I don't smoke. She said she smelled it on my clothes. I laughed and said I was in the basement, and used one of my dad's cig's to simulate a house on fire on my train layout. She didn't believe me. Honestly, I wouldn't believe that story either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 833
You deserved it 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah using a cigarette wasn't the best idea and they're a fire hazard, you can actually buy miniature smoke generators for train sets, but otherwise don't let this discourage you from model trainsets they're are alot of fun .

When I was 13 I used to smoke my parent's cigarettes backwards, as in I would light the orange end lol. To me it made perfect sense, the orange end represented fire


When I was 13 I used to smoke my parent's cigarettes backwards, as in I would light the orange end lol. To me it made perfect sense, the orange end represented fire

bleachedraven 14

yeah using a cigarette wasn't the best idea and they're a fire hazard, you can actually buy miniature smoke generators for train sets, but otherwise don't let this discourage you from model trainsets they're are alot of fun .

2deployments1divorce 11

Aren't modern cigarettes filled with so many flame retardant chemicals that you have to puff them to light them?

I've heard the opposite- that they put chemicals in them to keep them burning even if you set them down, so you have to buy more if you're forgetful. But I've never smoked so I don't know how true that is.

Would have been more believable if you'd said you walked by someone else who was smoking and the smell got into your clothes. I've had it happen to me, and it's infuriating.