By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my cousin came to visit from America. While out shopping, she said loudly that she was having trouble finding clothes to fit around her huge fanny, causing a lot of people to stare in our direction. I had to explain to her that "fanny" in the UK means "vagina." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 561
You deserved it 4 476

Same thing different taste

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So I'm guessing they don't call those lil waist pouches "fanny packs" in the UK lol


Graawr 7

LOL. that would make me go bright red. D:

I find this absolutely hilarious. Thankfully, if I go to visit my cousin in the UK (I actually do have a cousin who lives there), I already know that slang... Plus I don't really ever say the word fanny anyway...

tiger69 0

did your cousin visit from the 1930s??? no one in the U.S. uses the word "fanny" when talking about their butt

So I'm guessing they don't call those lil waist pouches "fanny packs" in the UK lol

WeaponsOfMassDDD 0

so im wondering what DO they call fanny packs? my grandpa still wears one :/ idk where the hell he even buys them

i never understood why they are named after the ass region when they are worn on the stomach...

Actually, canatonicsleep, they are made to be worn the fanny (north American translation) when they are not in use. Just think of the way bikers (pedals) wear them.

26 - wiseguy79 - you're hot. lol. and no. they don't use faint packs there. haha. Then again, who does??? the 1980's called...lmao

Fabby_fml 2

Fanny pack seems to have a disturbing new meaning now, doesn't it? x__x

bugmenotmofo 34

Now see, in amercica, a Bum Bag is something you trap a hobo in.

I call it a fanny pack though I have learnt something new...I had no idea that was the american term for it. I assumed it was called fanny pack cos it is worn over the fanny, ie ******. now I feel foolish...