By Stupidhuman - 13/04/2017 13:02 - United States - Sparta

Today, I noticed my cat was about to vomit on the rug and yelled at her to move. She spooked and managed to throw up while running. I still had to clean up the rug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 536
You deserved it 2 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How would you feel if someone yelled at you when you were puking

anniemeece 23

I had to vote YDI. I mean, seriously, if someone yelled at you when you were about to vomit, would that do any good? Your poor cat. I'm sure she didn't enjoy vomiting, and being spooked at the same time sure didn't help.


I feel your pain. Been there, done that. It's worse when it's the litter box.

How would you feel if someone yelled at you when you were puking

GIJoefan 6

Better just to pick up the cat and move it to the kitchen next time.

anniemeece 23

I had to vote YDI. I mean, seriously, if someone yelled at you when you were about to vomit, would that do any good? Your poor cat. I'm sure she didn't enjoy vomiting, and being spooked at the same time sure didn't help.

I understand the concern over yelling at the cat but as an owner of two cats, who vomit as often as any cat does, you would know that fabrics get horribly stained by hairballs and such so having them throw up on tile or hardwood is much easier to clean. Maybe instead of yelling pick the cat up or scoot them away from the rug next time.

danzig_graves 25

I just put a paper plate under where my cat is going to puke and then throw out.

The best thing to do if you notice the cat's about to vomit is to a shirt or similarly easily-cleanable item under his/her face

I had a very sick cat who was vomiting almost daily, and I used old flyers or newspapers, kept those handy and put them under him when he was about to get sick

xXxGraveStonexXx 20

I always pick up my cat and run for the door haha