By fmlcops - 22/05/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my car died on a major road, a cop pulled over to help, he offered to jump me, while doing so because my battery was so dead he told me to put the gas on the floor, I did and my car roared to life, he then pulled me over five feet from where my car died to give me a ticket for a loud exhaust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 282
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AHHH WHAT A JERK!! i hate cops lol FYL

People who hate cops usually just say that because they've been caught doing something wrong. There's nothing wrong with cops.


Oriina 0

That is one long sentence. And tough shit. If you had a loud exhaust any way, then YDI.. but if he just gave you a ticket because of what he told you to do, then yes, FYL. But otherwise, no. Go pay your ticket ... and damn you, PERIODS. Use them! Commas are your friend, but so are periods! Grah.

Lmao i'm sorry for laughing, that had to of sucked...but honestly I lmao'd at that.

why are people saying this doesn't say 'Today' at the begining? it does

****** douchebag cops! its nice to see our tax money at work. FTP

Darkspear 0

I was going to graduate high school. But i decided to become a cop instead.

I don't understand why state highway troopers are almost always jerks and city cops are almost always nicer. Why did that happen?

rhymeswithcircus 0

ydi for not being able to form a coherent sentence.