By fmlcops - 22/05/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my car died on a major road, a cop pulled over to help, he offered to jump me, while doing so because my battery was so dead he told me to put the gas on the floor, I did and my car roared to life, he then pulled me over five feet from where my car died to give me a ticket for a loud exhaust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 282
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AHHH WHAT A JERK!! i hate cops lol FYL

People who hate cops usually just say that because they've been caught doing something wrong. There's nothing wrong with cops.


state trooper? they're power tripping pigs...

texxxasissouth 0

Cops are huge dicks who will abuse their power if it works out for them. Most people who are police officers are arrogant ***** who are so absolutely positive that they're right morally, spiritually, whatever that it only plays into this fantasy world where they distribute very unequal, racist, biased judgement.

You for sure have a honda that sounds like a fart can... Cops hate those

That's a dick move. I'm sorry about that. :[

What a bastard. But really, I'm not surprised. ******* cops are nuts with their ticketing. :|

this is the ******* fakest FML there is a policeman, by policy of every department nationwide, cannot assist you in fixing you vehicl, as they become liable for any resulting damage from their assistance, making the department liable for a lawsuit. so, liar, way to get one past the moderators, but it is a cute little story. and yes, it really was necessary to call you out like this so you can write an FML tmrw that is actually true...maybe something along the lines of 'Today some guy with a pretty good general knowledge called out my bogus FML. my life is so sad that i can't even get a true FML posted on this site so i had to make up some bullshit story. FML.' so it can be ignored just like every other ******* sad pathetic loser who bitches about their fml's not making it because they so ******* sad and pathetic and their lives completely suck. so, in closing, stop lying to people just to be heard, and go **** yourself with your exhaust which probably doesnt even ******* exist to begin with. in that case, go **** yourself with your bike handle, and cry yourself to sleep tonight.