By Anonymous - 29/08/2019 14:00 - Canada

Today, my brother spent the whole day making a harpoon out of an old Tiki torch to bring on vacation with us to Sauble Beach, and he plans on using this contraption. On the beach. With all of us there to watch. He's 17 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 261
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who gives a shit? Let him have fun and do whatever he wants. It's your's AND his vacation. I'd love it if I wasn't berated for doing something different and interesting in my free time!

Just call him Ishmael and have a whale of a good time! Shut your blowhole and don't be a Moby Dick.


Who gives a shit? Let him have fun and do whatever he wants. It's your's AND his vacation. I'd love it if I wasn't berated for doing something different and interesting in my free time!

Just call him Ishmael and have a whale of a good time! Shut your blowhole and don't be a Moby Dick.

At least your parents don't need to worry about him getting laid... ever. not understanding the problem.

I want to know what he thinks he's going to be able to harpoon at Sauble Beach of all places...

OP, that was YOUR group that day at the beach?! It was hilarious! Correct, your bro's a doofus. But still lovable. LOL!

Well there have been a lot of shark sightings at beaches here this summer. Maybe he’s just trying to protect his family.

E2dav 5

Is he actually wanting to try and harpoon a whale? or just acting it out? The former would make me think he needs help...but the latter means enrol him in drama classes already

wrenavery90 12

And???? I say good for him. Sounds like fun.