By Promo girl - 22/01/2009 22:35 - Australia

Today, I was offered a promotion but for the same pay. Promotion... WTF? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 340
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

promotion means more power and authority not necessarily more money.

feel your pain - same thing happened to me


mavrick1915 0

It probably has a high pay grade and you have a chance to make more money which is why they call it a promotion bullsh** but that is how it works sometime. You should demand some sort of raise or something

promotion means more power and authority not necessarily more money.

NightElfGod 0

i worked in a retail store and i got a promtion twice. my only boss in the store was are general manager, not even the regular managers could out speak me. yet i was making less then the lowest job at our store.

Absolute_Zero 0

HA. Been there. More work, same pay. It's a killer.

A promotion means more power A raise means more money Companies generally never want to give both out at once

I'd say a promotion means more responsibly

Promotions don't always mean a raise, but hey you don't need me to tell you that anymore now do ya. :)