By Noname - 18/02/2009 02:52 - United States

Today, my brother joked that our dog was more attractive than I was. I looked to my mom for support, and she said "Well, she is pure bred." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 790
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elguapo_fml 0

so you're dog is more purebred than you - what does that say about your parents?

zidane312 0

lol, it depends. What kind of dog was it?


zidane312 0

lol, it depends. What kind of dog was it?

elguapo_fml 0

so you're dog is more purebred than you - what does that say about your parents?

alwaysalady 0

what kind of purebred dog is it? a cute one like a lab or a spaniel, or something ugly like a bull dog?

This is hilarious! Thanks for putting it up (EVEN IF IT IS SARCASTIC! PEOPLE). I'm sure you knew that posting and don't really believe that your family thinks your ugly. People take FML too seriously and expect serious situations. It's not complaining. It's just funny. Like a "that's what she said" - perfect opportunity. Don't you realize people could be making all of this stuff up? So if it's funny, it's funny.

nightwing2 3

I know but the joke is still pretty racist

natetheninja 0

the comment from your mother should be applauded, for good timing and quickness. 99.9% of parents clearly dont think their children are uglier than dogs, so this was obviously sarcastic. great work mom!

Socrates_fml 0

brilliant on the mom's part