By Dasani - 16/02/2009 23:57 - United States

Today, I was complaining to my mom about how my sister looked like a barbie doll next to me. I was saying how she was so tan and her hair looked awesome next to mine. She paused for a while and then said "Well you're pretty on the inside." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 443
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your mom was trying to be nice. Your life is fine.

Yeah, tanning is definitely disgusting. Do you really want to be all wrinkly and leathery in 10 years, and have skin cancer? Gross.


I think your mom was trying to be nice. Your life is fine.

Yeah, tanning is definitely disgusting. Do you really want to be all wrinkly and leathery in 10 years, and have skin cancer? Gross.

blueEyes_19 0

agreed with #2 and #3. this is not fml worthy

#14 is you name Dasani? I know a girl named Dasani. She makes me think of water, people always tease her for her name.

Not FML worthy. Don't fish for compliments. It makes people think that you're desperate and needy. And this is coming from a 13 year old. :)

Read: Your sister is NOT pretty on the inside. To all the people saying she was fishing for compliments, I didn't see any of that. I saw fishing for reassurances. And I think it's a parent's responsibility to give it to their kids.

hahaha sorry but YDI for blatant compliment fishing oh but it's fine because barbie has no genitalia. so yeah..

Shivverr 0

If you're trying to be funny, you really aren't. Don't bring that crap into the comments.

LOL I love #1, that's really funny!!!!!!! And true!!!