By Anonymous - 29/10/2015 20:53 - United States

Today, my brother got his very first paycheck and blew it all on weed and a godawful tattoo, whereas I have been saving steadily for three years. Yet according to mum and dad, I'm the one who is irresponsible with money, because if I was being responsible I'd have enough for my own house by now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 439
You deserved it 1 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do they think you're some big shot CEO or something?? Who can save enough for a house in just three years???

liquifiednate 21

Just keep saving your money OP and you'll be rewarded in the end. Then when that happens you can have something to show to your parents whereas your brother won't.


cj1223 7

How old are you and how old is your brother?

fmlstarterkit 13

parents are very misunderstood creatures OP

clickme 17

Sorry. I'm gonna go with mom and dad. There's way to many unknowns here, but there's a very good chance that mom and dad have based their opinion on a multitude of other things; listen to your parents and work on improving the things they point out

justanotherday7 7

Ok where can you live where you can buy a house in 3 years? Never mind don't answer that. How long did it take your parents to buy a house???

mariri9206 32

Sucks that your parents think that about you but I don't think you should get to judge how he spends his money. I, personally, don't think weed is a smart idea so I won't do it, but it's not my place to cast judgements on what other people do. Also, I feel you shouldn't say his tattoo is "godawful" because, if he likes it, that's what matters and, unless it was poorly tattooed, then it's still a piece of art, just a different medium. Still sorry that your parents have unrealistic standards and expectations for you, though.

Critical9496 10

Well is he 16 while your graduated and have been living at home? There are 2 sides to a story!

mariri9206 32

It's pretty likely the brother is, at least, 18 as most tattoo shops (well, reputable, clean, safe tattoo shops) don't tattoo anyone under 18 cause it's illegal.