By alltern8ive - 09/11/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend tried to be romantic by dipping me backwards and kissing me. He dropped me on my butt and stepped on my hand while trying to help me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 301
You deserved it 5 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, my boyfriend attempted to be extremely romantic. He accidently did a nervous blunder, twice, which we'll be sure to laugh about later on." This is not a FML, you're being a whiny bitch.


Knollmania 0

Life could be worse. He was just trying to be nice

At least he's trying. I does suck that he dropped you and ruined the moment, but he tried.

bobinoguaviare 0

**** your life??? What about him!?!?!? That sucks even more for him!!! And yeah... just be thankful he is trying.

thatsmylife22 0

i think they need to make another button to push on here besides "your life sucks" or "you deserved it". something like "grow up" or something along the lines of them getting a grip :)

shit the biatch better be happy he tried to be romantic n showed how much he cared...nowadays all u get is a slap on the ass and "wheres my dinner?" if youre lucky u might get 10 min of sex besides 5...

Oh wah. Your boyfriend tried to do something sweet and romantic, and he's not perfect. Your life is so miserable. Grow up.

This is not an FML. So your boyfriend tried to be romantic and messed up, at least he wanted to be romantic! He can't help being human and sometimes making mistakes. Stop whinging.

lol don't try the dip unless you know how ;)