By alltern8ive - 09/11/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend tried to be romantic by dipping me backwards and kissing me. He dropped me on my butt and stepped on my hand while trying to help me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 301
You deserved it 5 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, my boyfriend attempted to be extremely romantic. He accidently did a nervous blunder, twice, which we'll be sure to laugh about later on." This is not a FML, you're being a whiny bitch.


YDI I mean seriously it's the thought that counts quit bitching and appreciate that he was being romantic!

I did stuff like that all the time with my ex, and strange as it sounds, she didn't appreciate it very much.

This is not a FML in the slightest. Your boyfriend was cute and romantic and messed up. Get over yourself. FHL for having such a dramatic girlfriend.

haha the same thing happened to me except it was at a dance. My boyfriend dipped me, dropped me and stepped on my hand and i ended up breaking two fingers. i didn't bitch though. we laughed about it in the emerge, and its still an ongoing joke when someone asks why my little finger is crooked. and i still let him dip me at dances. it was just a little slip up and if i were to blame someone for it, i'd blame the alcohol.

I think it's sweet that he was trying to be romantic. Suck it up. My boyfriend did this to me once...except he didn't drop me. When he tried to bring me back up from the dip, he slammed my head under his desk. You don't see me making an FML about it.

fdeg4161 13

I have to admit, in addition to it being really funny, it does suck because your little "moment" is ruined. I had something similar happen to me, however, I slipped on a garden hose and fell flat on my back. I have no problem saying it was my fault for not paying attention, but it still sucked.

JakkieD 0

At least he tried. Suck it up. Wouldn't be worse if he didn't try?

Jordie210 0

so laugh about it and move on.

this is so not an fml, why be so negative about it? at least you have a boyfriend, who attempted to be romantic (how many of us can say that about our significant others?). I'm sure your hand only hurt for a matter of seconds.