By grizzlybear - 27/06/2011 05:55 - Mexico

Today, my boyfriend told me that if I had a penis, our relationship would be better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 150
You deserved it 6 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

Your boyfriend wants to have a sword fight.


DisappearingRose 18

oh man. life's ruff lol. what does that tell you :/. smh.

MexicanTexasQtt 9
nastynate1376 0
joshnu 0

your boyfriend is a flamer!

not going to lie, I read this over and over, saying you made a mistake, that girls don't have penises.. then I realized it's not a mistake at all.. hahaha

jessamy_brit 5

maybe it's like when people say "grow a pair" and he said it in a confusing way!

TheDrummingResul 0

Haha well you should get one.