Quit meddling

By Anonymous - 27/07/2022 09:00 - United States - Broken Arrow

Today, my dad tried to get me to change my resume. Here's the fun part: I took resume classes and had a career coach help me make it. Even knowing all that, he still insisted I change the entire thing. A perfectly fine professional resume into one that resembles a Word resume template. I just want to scream right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 821
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That stinks. just humor him and save a copy and keep your real resume in your "homework" folder.

If you are looking for a job it means you probably should be able create your own resume and be yourself. I assume Dad means well and is trying to help. Maybe Dad has some good input, but your resume is still your own and not his. I do agree that the wisest solution may be to have two resumes and actually submit the one that you think best sells your talents, experience, and skills. But look again at Dad’s input and think about if there are some things there that might be helpful. Regarding a resume, you want to present yourself and your skills and experience honestly, but in the best possible way. If you are looking for a professional job you would be wise to tweak your resume in a way that highlights the skills and experience you have that most closely match the job description. Often resumes are initially screened by people or software that is not an expert in the profession you are applying to - They might not recognize that some things are described by more than one word which is why it can be useful to use some of the words used in the job description. Once you get to an actual interview that’s usually less of an issue.


That stinks. just humor him and save a copy and keep your real resume in your "homework" folder.

If you are looking for a job it means you probably should be able create your own resume and be yourself. I assume Dad means well and is trying to help. Maybe Dad has some good input, but your resume is still your own and not his. I do agree that the wisest solution may be to have two resumes and actually submit the one that you think best sells your talents, experience, and skills. But look again at Dad’s input and think about if there are some things there that might be helpful. Regarding a resume, you want to present yourself and your skills and experience honestly, but in the best possible way. If you are looking for a professional job you would be wise to tweak your resume in a way that highlights the skills and experience you have that most closely match the job description. Often resumes are initially screened by people or software that is not an expert in the profession you are applying to - They might not recognize that some things are described by more than one word which is why it can be useful to use some of the words used in the job description. Once you get to an actual interview that’s usually less of an issue.