By lonethong15 - 08/08/2014 22:53 - United States - Dallas

Today, my boyfriend told me he likes to do things the old-fashioned way, and that he wouldn't propose to me without my father's blessing. My dad died 3 years ago, and he knows it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 768
You deserved it 3 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him you like the old fashion way too, tell him you want to wait until you're married until you have sex's again.

Hopefully you have a step father and he meant him


skyeyez9 24

If you want to get married, then leave him. Especially since he brought your dead father into it by saying he'd only marry you if he was alive to give his blessing. How ******* rude.

Never marrying you is hardly the old-fashioned way.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, then. I hope the old fashioned way included no sex until marriage. He's not too old fashioned if that wasn't the case

I'm sure he loves you op & perhaps just had a little mental hiccup. It does happen to the best of us. Best of luck in your relationship op. May you find your happiness.

Go to a slightly more dodgy medium with your boyfriend, pay him/her to "get in touch with your father" and have him give his blessing from beyond the grave. Problem solved until your boyfriend finds another excuse.

Hopefully he just blurted that one put without thinking correctly unless he meant your stepfather.

That's a mean move on his part if he realized what he was saying