By Petridishoflove - 20/01/2009 06:12 - Hong Kong

Today, I put my paint brush into my cup of tea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 575
You deserved it 22 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow i just discovered my life is totally ****** if yours is

One of my friends had someone do this to him, in his iced coffee while he was painting next to her. He didn't realize it till her found a mess of acrylic paint at the bottom of it, and had to run into the bathroom to make himself throw up. Your life is far from ******.


smalls09 0

how is this an fmylife?? big deal..

FlickMyBean 0

You're an idiot. Tea washes out. 32$ paintbrush isn't ruined, probably just the tea.

mister_moops 0

BOY, YOUR LIFE IS ******* TERRIBLE shit man you got it bad

TacosAreGoodForY 0

this is how old FMLs were, and obviously op liked those better so just shut up already, FMLs are supposed to be things that just ruin your day

rilaxgirl 0

30- I think you are the one that need to shut up. how would you know? it's called fmylife not fmyday.

myloveiselectric 0

haha i do things like that all the time. id probably accidentally drink from the cup i washed my brush out in too! i feel you here...

Wow i just discovered my life is totally ****** if yours is

lol ive done the same but i drank the paint water instead of milk

little_fuucked 0

I did this, but drank it anyway..

One of my friends had someone do this to him, in his iced coffee while he was painting next to her. He didn't realize it till her found a mess of acrylic paint at the bottom of it, and had to run into the bathroom to make himself throw up. Your life is far from ******.

snoopy24_fml 0

everyone's done something like this where they put their paintbrush in their drink accidentally, it's not a big deal...this shouldn't even be on this site