By luvlessbootycall - 24/07/2010 05:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of three months texted me saying he loves me. I excitedly started texting back, "I love you too." Before I even got done, he messaged again saying, "Can you send a pic of your tits to me now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 754
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

should have texted back "sure baby! hold on ;)" then find a pic of hairy balls on google and send that


bandgeek_bri 0

omg that guy is a douche dump him op! and say I hate u now send me a pic of your penis see how he ressponds to that

notsoluckypup 12

so ******* typical...u mite wana dump his ass if hes rly nothin but a sex addict ...

It doesnt really matter how you get told i love you, atleast you get told it. And if you depend on words as an expression of love then you are all immature, Love is best expressed through sights sounds and actions. No words need to be spoke to allow the feelings to flow from one heart to another. Love is that look you get when you stare into their eyes. Remember words make us lair, The make us haters. What if it was a joke? have you no humor? No soul? I've joked around with girls like that plenty of times. You should be flattered some one wants to see you in the flesh. Im sure plenty of other men would have horrid remarks to say about your ****. Wouldnt you be flattered if your boyfriend wanted to see you naked? If you're looking for someone a little less into seeing you naked, just stop getting involved with ANYONE! Because i can promise you anyone you're with is probably gona wana get in those pants or at least see whats in them at some point.

Quest_ 13

You have completely missed the point. "No soul"? Are you a troll?

Clearly, 91, no one's ever told you they loved you. Else you would see what people mean when they say there's a difference and it does in fact matter how it's said.

are you serious well at least you now know your bf is after one thing.. it happened to me

zach55 0

can you send that pic to me too?

Really? saying I Love You after only 3months of dating?, there's a tipoff right there.

radkelsie24 0

umm how do u know it wasn't one of his friends that took his phone and text it to you I mean there are a lot of assholes in this world