By ForeverAlone - 06/03/2013 22:28 - United States - O Fallon

Today, my boyfriend of a year and a half left me for another girl. Who was the only person who cared enough to comfort me? The girl he left me for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 935
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

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Sounds like soon the two of you will be best friends being pissed off at a third girl together.

The same thing kind of happened to me. The girl my boyfriend cheated on me with had to train me at my new job. When I found out, and confronted her, she was totally disgusted with him and embarassed of herself even though she didn't really do anything wrong. She and I ended up going shopping together pretty often. Moral of the story is: The "other woman" often is pretty much blameless and can easily be a great person, don't villainize her :)


lenamartinovic 13

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enormouselephant 15

Seems more like she doesn't deserve the opportunity to comfort the girl.

MasterTron 24

What did she do wrong? Unless she was out to steal OPs boyfriend, in the end, it's not really the girls fault.

The only one who doesn't deserve anything is OPs ex-boyfriend

rahulcool7 14

31- Why, OP's ex deserves to be happy and as far as we know he didn't do anything wrong just because they have been going out for a while doesn't mean he can't break up with her.

Maybe you are up for a threesome... just joking. How it could happen that you allowed her to comfort you? To me this sounds like she is a back-stabbing bitch.

iLike2Teabag 27

Maybe the other girl didn't know that the guy was involved with OP. I don't think the post is telling the whole story here.

Who says the boyfriend cheated? Maybe he met another girl and fell for her. He then broke it off with his current gf so that he wouldn't be cheating on her. Maybe this new girl is such a nice person she tried to comfort the old gf. You never know the full story with fmls.

Honestly, you're supposed to go for what makes you happy. In this situation, I feel no one is truly in the wrong. If you are not married or engaged, you should follow your heart. This girl probably feels really empathetic toward the OP, and having strong feelings toward OP's ex doesn't make her a bad person. You can't help who you love. If you need someone to help you through a tough time, you'll take comfort where you can find it. It definitely must feel like a huge slap in the face for her though. It's a complicated situation no matter which point of view you're looking at it from.

perdix 29

#2, you apparently got thumbed-down into burial for "just joking" about a threesome. We don't joke about that! You were really onto something. Try again, and this time tell us more about how to set up a threesome. I need to get some useful tips.

Mehhh... you dont need either if them, find better people, as those two used you.

She might not have know about OP until the the break up. So she wouldn't have known she was cheating.

iLike2Teabag 27

C'mon man. You can do better than that. I believe in you. Turn that frown upside-down. :)

:( :/ :| :) :D I did it! I turned my frown upside down!

RealTalk0 7

Lol you could've added one more. :( :/ :| : :) :D

Well that is probably the worst person to be kind to you. Most likely one of those people who are like "awh I'm sorry that happened" and they just bring it up to rub it in your face. You can do better OP! Goodluck!

Hey, that's a potential friend you got there. Cheer up! :D

She was nice enough to comfort OP. doesn't sound like a bitch to me. The other woman is not always the bad person.

Sounds like soon the two of you will be best friends being pissed off at a third girl together.

He's not worth it - don't waste your time or feelings on the ass. You deserve better, you will find better. I'm sorry you have to go through this though :(

God, you just used every breakup cliche in the book.

I realized that only after I sent it. Dangers of posting anything to the Internet—actually, dangers of using your phone—after 2 am!