By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 10:41 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I wasn't expecting anything too romantic, but I would have liked something more than an email from Facebook, requesting my confirmation that we were engaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 638
You deserved it 7 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comicmischief 0

The internet has taken over.

Oh wow. FYL. that's almost worse then being dumped via facebook, although I'm not sure. a lot of people are going to say ydi because you chose to date him in the first place... But I don't think anyone deserves facebook relationship status changes before real life relationship changes...


C'mon! It's not that bad. I'd find that oddly cute because he's so shy to do it in person.

loveurlifeJK 5

It's the idea of him wanting to spend his life with you that counts. :)

Yep, that's the downfall of the Internet these days...

#71 you're hilarious! I'm getting really tired of so many people taking marriage so lightly. I'm sick of hearing about 17 year olds engaged. They have no idea what they're getting into. I'm not married, never have been, and I realize what a huge commitment it is. It sounds to me like this guy doesn't know how hard marriage is and just wants to get married just to get married. I wouldn't be surprised it he works at burger king. Find a someone else who will actually spend the money on buying you a ring and especially someone who will ask you in person. You found yourself a real loser. Congratulations, you'll be divorced in about a year.

Haha aw, what a great surprise that must have been though! I would have fallen straight out of my chair. Maybe he intended it to be a fun surprise for you. :) Plus I kind of doubt he realized that his own status would change to Engaged before confirmation from you. Congratulations regardless! Maybe you could hint to him that you were hoping for something romantic too, and see what he comes up with. If he's not terrified by the fear of rejection maybe he'll let his true romantic side show and come up with something really amazing.

nsavage94 0

hey, at least it was clever and original?

wow he's pathetic. but then so is 99% of the male population.

It isn't official until it is on facebook.

i wish OP could respond to the posting let us know what has gone down since.

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

i'd pull him off to the side and tell him that he needs to find another way to propose. either that or find a different guy that will actually take the whole thing seriously. fyl dude... i'm sorry did he at least give you a ring??