By cutiecuppiecakez - 29/02/2016 21:04 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend got so baked, he thought I was in the washing machine. I came downstairs to find him sitting in a puddle of soaking wet clothes, crying about where I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 027
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How sweet, he tried to save you from drowning in the washer.

That would have been a great time to just start talking and let him think that you had dissolved into bubbles.


andrmac 25

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I actually find that adorable #2, even if it's a little stupid, it's cute he cares that much for his girlfriend. Aspecially after all the FML's about shitty relationships.

Are you kidding? it's adorable at best and silly at worst. Nothing to break up over, wtf.

KhaleesiDannie 26

You must be fun in a relationship....

If he's acting that retarded when he's stoned out of his mind, it makes me wonder just how retarded he acts when he's sober.

Indianboy9321 25

Do you really act more intelligently when not sober #32

Jesus. Go FML. Looking for any reason to tell people to end their relationships & find someone "better." This is cute as hell in my opinion & I would absolutely love to be in that situation.

My parents were big potheads in college. Once they and some friends were smoking and eating pizza (obviously), and two of the friends decided it would be a good idea to hitchhike. A day later my dad got a call from one of them asking for a ride. They were three states down. Yet everyone in that friend group is still doing fine today. It's possibly to be completely stupid while high and still be a functioning human being.

How sweet, he tried to save you from drowning in the washer.

That would have been a great time to just start talking and let him think that you had dissolved into bubbles.

Excellent partner choice, OP. At least he cares about yah, high or otherwise incapacitated.

Well alright, getting baked probably isn't the most reasonable thing to do but you gotta admit, that guy really likes you, it's actually kinda cute, at least a lot better than him getting sick of you and trying to shove you into said washing machine ...

KhaleesiDannie 26

Better than getting drunk and throwing up in the washing machine haha

KhaleesiDannie 26

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Better than getting drunk & throwing up a washing machine

I think that's really nice of him actually. He obviously likes you and cares about you a lot. Seems like a keeper to me :)