By maaaryy - 07/01/2009 05:53 - France

Today, I went into a shop, not really completely awake. To get to the upper floor, I took the escalator... in the wrong direction. After about 30 seconds (which seemed like hours) trying to climb up the wrong way, my brain started working and by that time I already had a few amused spectators watching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 209
You deserved it 9 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I tripped going up an escalator. I kept falling for 15 minutes.

bexox 0

How do you even manage that? FAIL


fmylifeforreals 0

Haha. That's awesome. Just be glad you didn't fall!!!

bexox 0

How do you even manage that? FAIL

I do it with my friends on purpose. Run up the down and run down the up. LOL

my friends and i got kicked out of a book store for doing that once...

MukyDaCookie 0

ahaha I would love to see that! I do something like this, but kind of different - I run up the down escalater just for the sake of it. The only time I've ever gone up the wrong escalator without realising it was in Mario Kart

There's a video of someone doing that going around the Internet.

One time I tripped going up an escalator. I kept falling for 15 minutes.

I had to read that a couple times to get it.. Thats not too bad. just a little embarrassing. haha. Just laugh it off though

You deserved it, and I hope you fell and broke your ankles. But you didn't complain about that, so I guess the world's not a fair place. You probably drove to the shop as well (I may just be assuming). If you did, then you're a very irresponsible driver who should stay off the road. If you're too sleepy to notice the direction of an escalator, then you're too sleepy to drive.

Crystal_Claire 0

: whoever the person is, they did not deserve it. but since you wanna be rude heres what i think you deserve, you deserve to sleep walk and fall face first in a pile of shit right in front of every one you know. as for the person who had a shitty day, hope ur day gets better :)