By trixieee - 04/08/2019 12:00

Today, my boyfriend got a text from a "close female friend." The text was of her with no shirt on, and he quickly closed his phone. His explanation was that his female friends just want his opinion on how they look. I don't know what's worse, that there are several, or that he thinks I'm that stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 191
You deserved it 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

Seeing as how you said “my boyfriend” and not “my now ex-boyfriend” I’d say you are that stupid.


Your BF has a side piece. Either dump him, talk to her, or see if sharing is an option.


He needs to forward the pics to a single friend so they can be catalogued and stored. Only the friend keeps the pics. When you get together, the friend pulls up random pics for a game called “Name those ****” or “Name that pussy”.

julfunky 29

Seeing as how you said “my boyfriend” and not “my now ex-boyfriend” I’d say you are that stupid.

Simple solution: be single. Very single.

Let one of those skanks have him, and find someone more worthwhile.

If that’s true, he should get your opinion, too, and share it with the girl. “My girlfriend and I both think you look great” should send all the right messages to the other girl.

If they were truly platonic friends, then he'd have absolutely no qualms about showing said pix to you AND out of respect for you would then tell them NOT to send anymore such pix to him. Good luck with somebody better, OP! You deserve it! :D

Agreed. He’s cheating. He won’t admit it so don’t bother trying for an explanation... just go.

just dump otherwise you're just torturing yourself being with that tool