By crazymirrors - 28/07/2009 04:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that we should go to the carnival in the Bizarre House place where there were a lot of crazy mirrors. I checked myself out in one of the mirrors. Then my boyfriend says "That will probably be the only time you will ever look that skinny." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 928
You deserved it 6 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps from his point of view the mirror made you appear impossibly skinny.


Someone needs a new boyfriend. If he is the kinda person to say that to you then he isnt good enough for you

DuhthatsObvious 0
DuhthatsObvious 0

And I'm not some troll, I'm saying if you were skinny you wouldn't be offended by what he said. Lose weight so you can stop being a whiny insecure little bitch.

Ignorance is bliss. Guys a dick, but honest. As for some posters. Get laid kids.

You know the hilarious thing is you're probably not that fat. You're probably a size fourteen, which is actually normal. He's just a superficial guy who likes those stick thin, anorexic types. Anyway, those fun house mirrors tend to stretch you out to impossibly thin dimensions. So he's right, there's no way you'd ever actually be that thin, but to me it sounds like he was being a douche about it.

Lol, I know right? Although, he might not even have meant it like it sounded

holy shit dude, size 14 is H U G E. You cannot blame a guy for not wanting a whale size 14. Just because a man wants a girl that's not freaking size 14 doesn't mean he wants a sick, anorexic looking chick. Maybe he wants a healthier, normal size of 6 or 7 or 8. Anything over 10 is too big :-/

Yeah, seriously, size 14 is GIGANTIC. I'm a size 2 or 4 and I do not look anything close to skinny, just normal. Being a size 14 is never healthy! I'm so sick of fatties acting like being unhealthy is the norm, and that we should be attracted to their body type. Not gonna happen.

I'm a size 6 and my whole family is already complaining about my size !!!! Size 14 would be O___________O

lmmmr 0

Hate to be a nitpicker, #46, but for a man to want a size 7 he would be wanting a teenage girl. Even numbers are adult sizes, odds are "juniors."

I don't know what world you live in, but size fourteen isn't fat at all. A size 16 would be someone who is just on the brink of being slightly overweight. Maybe you live somewhere with weird sizes. :

bleh993 0

insensitive much? tell him all your orgasms were fake xD

anna1098 0

maybe it made u look tooo skinny but u are skinny it might not be a bad thing

yeagerdarling 0

Lose the wight or he's gonna dump you.

Why the hell is he an ass? Why the suggestions to insult him? I highly doubt he was being a "meanie." Those things make you look so thin that anorexics are obese in comparison. Oh no, he said she'll never look like skeletor again! What an asshole! *eyeroll* These "my boyfriend/husband said something that was probably totally innocent/honest and I blew it way out of proportion" fmls are getting really old.

Hey, maybe he's like me and doesn't find really skinny girls attractive... He probably meant it as a compliment, if he's with you, he obviously finds you attractive...stop being so emo