By WTF - 22/08/2012 22:22 - Canada - Ottawa

By WTF - 22/08/2012 22:22 - Canada - Ottawa
By Anonymous - 13/10/2011 16:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/04/2022 02:00 - Australia - Shailer Park
By juliette - 08/10/2012 05:39 - United States - Tucson
By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 17:03 - United States - Gladewater
By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States
By MenstruallyFrustrated - 23/07/2013 17:18 - United States - Surprise
By O_o - 09/02/2014 00:42 - United States - Simi Valley
By Confused lesbian - 16/07/2018 13:30 - United States - Lynchburg
By Jake - 02/10/2012 11:52 - United States - Athens
By hmmmm - 13/08/2012 12:19 - Australia
11- He's an idiot because he unknowingly confessed that he's been cheating on her.
This is so damn creepy and disgusting that I honestly think you need to get rid of him. I think he needs a physiatrist.
How thoughtful of him to keep just yours! Perhaps he just keeps a list of the others he has sex with (with ratings, of course).
I wouldn't say he's an idiot. Just has a gross habit. OP should have one-upped him. "Really? That's so sweet! I keep the funny colored boogies I dig out... It's okay, though. I only keep the ones I find on our dates."
25 - Unfortunately I don't think that would be one upping him. Maybe saving used tampons and only keeping the ones she put in his mouth.
I once read something about this guy confessing that he jacks off and collects the sperm. He lets them dry in the sun so it becomes all powdery. He does that for awhile until he gets enough bags then goes to nightclubs and drops them all around them so people think its cocaine or something. What's worse is he had pictures of most of the process. I was scarred for life and will never pick-up anything from nightclubs. Let's hope your boyfriends not doing something similar.
Then you guys obviously aren't reading the fml right. It says he only keeps the ones he's using on "her", which implies he's using them with other people too, otherwise there would be no reason for him to clarify that.
It's a technicality. Even though it is easy to assume he is cheating, it is doing just that, ASSUMING, that is the problem. He could have chosen his words poorly and he meant something different. Idk. He could be cheating, but we don't know for a fact that he is a cheater and not just some one with the capacity to misspeak. It isn't fair to assume things like that, no matter how bad one thing they say seems, it could be a miss understanding.
#13 He could've had sex with girls before op so who's to say he isnt talking about them
He was probably just referring to his ex girlfriends. I don't think he would be cheating on you but that is really disgusting. FYL op
And I thought my bottle caps were strange.. But damn! That's disgusting!
I wonder if he keeps the date of when it happened on a little plack under each one.....
She keeps her children, he keeps his.
Hey, don't judge...I mean, some people collect stamps... This is much more interesting.
However, stamps are colorful and smell fresh. Used condoms, well, I'm curious how he stores them but that sounds rancid.
OP should secretly get rid of all of them and blain it on someone breaking into and stealing them to gain access to his sperm to make thousands of his babies, which will be used to take over the world.
71-yes I understand that. However since OP's boyfriend saves his condoms he may not.
LOL right? I agree with this guy^ .. kinda creepy though. This is one of the funniest fml's ever. I have a friend who keeps a belly button lent collective in a baggy that hangs in his kitchen of all places. Anyone can contribute.
Ohhhhh, it's only the ones he used with you, ok, that makes it completely alright then
Only keeps the ones he uses with YOU??? I think he might be cheating...
Sounds he got himself in a Sticky situation!
I totally called this on the booger wall FML. ESP!
And that's when you let him know he's now single.
Because that makes it so much better... Your boyfriend is an idiot. Sorry OP!
Hey, don't judge...I mean, some people collect stamps... This is much more interesting.