By awkward.. - 22/02/2015 05:15 - Canada - Nanaimo

Today, my boyfriend complimented me on how he liked my freckles down below. I didn't have the heart to tell him that they were just razor rash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 340
You deserved it 5 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought the "freckles" were going to be something other than razor rash...

euphoricness 28

Just keep getting razor rashes. It would break his heart if he didn't see them anymore after they heal.


Yeah! I for one am glad he wasn't too rash about it.

Haha a lot of girls get really embarrassed by razor burn so i guess so.

J_Kertz 14

Depending on skin type, using a deodorant like Dove's, on the area can help prevent future razor burns. It works for me plus making sure to use a clean blade.

Just act super confused when it clears up and see what he says then.

1dvs_bstd 41

'baby what happened to your freckles?! I didn't know freckles heal over time'

"What freckles. I've never had freckles. Are you going down on someone else?"

1dvs_bstd 41

#30 'what the...?! do you have a twin with freckles?! Baby I swear to God, I thought it was you'

If he doesn't know the difference, roll with it.

Cayers97 12

At least its just a razor rash could be worse

euphoricness 28

Just keep getting razor rashes. It would break his heart if he didn't see them anymore after they heal.

Not sure this will work, as the pattern will be different every time. Eventually he will notice.

Not if you're a highly skilled razor rash ninja.

I thought the "freckles" were going to be something other than razor rash...

Jellysweetheart 23

Your icon makes this comment even better.

Oh my gosh, I have been there! I'm like are we F'ing her life or mines. )>_

At least it's incredibly easy to get some more razor rash...