Just love!

By Anonymous - 23/01/2020 18:00

Today, I told my boyfriend that I loved his flaming red hair. He told me that he loved the fuzz on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 079
You deserved it 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The original poster on 9/1/2010 08:16 was a female from the United States with the username Snowin2007. The male sign without username or location is the default for all reposts.

I'm with him on this one. Butt fuzz can be quite cute.


ncparry 18

Take the compliment. Your little person shows you’re a dude, he probably does like it. My husband has a little bit of a furry butt. It’s cute.

The original poster on 9/1/2010 08:16 was a female from the United States with the username Snowin2007. The male sign without username or location is the default for all reposts.

J15237 25

Hey its funny and cute. Whats the big deal?

I'm with him on this one. Butt fuzz can be quite cute.