By lft - 06/06/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I called over my math teacher to ask a question. I have a really bad cold. I asked him about a problem and he reached over my desk to point at the diagram and explain it. Then I suddenly had to sneeze and I got tons of snot all over his hand and arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 928
You deserved it 10 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ann_leigh 0

that's why you cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. ewwwww

I guess thats snot what he was expecting


ann_leigh 0

that's why you cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. ewwwww

maybe she dosnt have arms to cover it up. ever thought of that

technobutterfly 0

Eww, why didn't you turn your head or something? Usually I can feel my sneezes before they come out.

ydi for not covering ur mouth and needing help with math

I've seen this happen many times before. It's part of human nature.

Trooth 13

did you get the answer you wanted? :p And for all you people saying that they deserve it, sometimes it's hard to cover up before it's too late