By Username - 27/06/2011 08:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came before I'd even unbuttoned my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 472
You deserved it 7 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DudeImBetter 0

you better not tell his friends or he'll say you're a ****, plus it was you're fault you were rubbing his butt, he's just very sensitive some would say it's a plus.


if u think about it it's kinda a compliment, it's like saying ur hot enuf to make him ****** without even touching him

cristig 0

you are just. that. good..... jk. :) isn't HE supposed to take them off??

Lawbynature 0

damn girl you look that good? haha

it's happened to all guys it's just so awesome.

Get rid of him. It'll only get worse!!

he isn't there for your pleasure, he got what he wanted from you he wins!!!

thatdesertdude 7

I agree, FYL, that's epic sex fail.

iluvjb4eva 0

okay is came past tense fr cum???:/ :/

thatdesertdude 7

you really had to ask? and yes, it is.