Close quarters

By smellay - 14/04/2020 23:00

Today, I had to shit really bad while I was in bed with my girlfriend. Luckily she was sleeping. I didn’t want to be obvious, so I closed all the doors, crept into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I accidentally let out the loudest fart. I got a text saying, “Walls are thin, you good?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 855
You deserved it 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, if she was amused instead of offended, that's a plus right there.

Not really an fml? Everybody has to go at somepoint.. plus she cared enough to check you were ok! She’s a keeper


Hey, if she was amused instead of offended, that's a plus right there.

Not really an fml? Everybody has to go at somepoint.. plus she cared enough to check you were ok! She’s a keeper

diraven 15

Don't worry, once you're married you won't even bother closing the door.

This is why I always run the water when someone else is around haha

SO instead of coming to the realization that everyone farts and poops/etc, you waste water.

Plot twist: OP's neighbor from across the street sent the text.

Wadlaen 23

You've found one who's worthy of keeping!