By Ggirl - 01/10/2013 19:41 - United States - Camarillo

Today, my boyfriend called me a selfish bitch and dumped me after I told him I'm planning on getting much-needed breast reduction surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 576
You deserved it 15 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

I guess he isn't looking out for your breast interests.

Good riddance. Leave the idiot be. You're much better off without ... Wait, REDUCTION?? Why would you do such a thing? WHY? NOOOOOO!!


raininginseattle 9

You selfish bitch. How can he motorboat you now?

150493x 29

You're better off without. A real boyfriend should be supportive. Hope everything goes okay for you, OP. Good luck.

perdix 29

Much-needed? What udder nonsense! You obviously attracted him with your nice, big *******, now you want to pull the ol' bait-and-switch. Anyways, after you get chopped down, you'll appeal to a whole, new demographic.

1jordan1 11

And that response is exactly why you don't have a girlfriend.... At least not one with any shred of self respect.

perdix 29

Ouch! I am humbled by this one-two punch of brilliant comments. LOL . . . YOLO!

Because a woman's ability to be attractive is the only thing important... not the woman's over all health...

RedPillSucks 31

@1jordan1 you must be new here. Perdix comments are nearly never serious and always tounge planted firmly in cheek.

82. Remove the stick from your ass and learn to take a joke.

1jordan1 11

Who's to say my response wasn't a joke as well?

1jordan1 11

I come here pretty often, just don't comment that much. But thanks, that's good to know. I figured it was just some kid begging for attention.

1jordan1 11
1jordan1 11

And the second one was for redpillsucks

Sorry to hear about your break-up OP, but I personally think that big breasts are overrated. If he really loved you, then he would love every aspect of you and not just your ****. You'll be better off without him, hon.

Congratulations! You're getting rid of a large mass that was probably just weighing you down and you're having breast reduction surgery as well.

zashii 2

It was the best choice I ever made to have mine reduced. Congrats, and you will find a better man.

Well now you know he's an douch bag.

Gbejcaj 6

Had to it! The new littler boobies are great!

FireFlie07 20

Don't let him get to you. The procedure is worth it. I had it three years ago - no regrets. If he's that shallow, you can do much better.