Nice guy

By Catherine - 13/05/2021 11:01

Today, I announced to my boyfriend of 5 years that I was pregnant. He gave me an ultimatum. Either I "get rid of it" because he’s "not ready to be a dad" or he’ll "put me out on the streets." I’m unemployed and have nowhere to go if I keep it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 445
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Wood_279567485 8

Not sure where you live, but in a lot of places there are often resources available to help people get out of abusive situations such as this. whoever you trust in your life, may be able to help get you in touch or aid in other ways as well.

I had a gal friend with a very similar story. Except this happened to her twice and both times her bf and her family practically forced the abortion pill down her throat. It really ****** her up mentally. I guess what I am trying to say is, find someone trustworthy to confide in over this and get away from the bf swiftly, without raising his alarms. You need support and a clear mind to make YOUR right decision right now. It just might be the hardest decision you ever have to make so there's no space for toxicity like him right now.


Michael Wood_279567485 8

Not sure where you live, but in a lot of places there are often resources available to help people get out of abusive situations such as this. whoever you trust in your life, may be able to help get you in touch or aid in other ways as well.

hes a **** but having been in a relationship for 5 years surely expectations were set. why weren't you both on birth control Perhaps moving back in with your parents is an option

OP said she has nowhere else to go if she keeps it. How do you know she wasn't on birth control? It can fail, you know.

I mean, yeah he's an asshole, but pregnancy is a two-person decision and if you've been together five years and not had that discussion and/or you didn't involve him in this decision... YDI.

OP could have been on birth control and it failed. Why didn't that occur to you to ask about that instead?

Fair enough, but my point was more that OP seems surprised by her BF's reaction, which means likely they have NOT have the 'are we/when are we' having kids discussion which is really really important in LTRs specifically for accidents/BC failures/etc. OP is not an idiot for potentially getting pregnant while on BC, OP may however be an idiot (and BF is too on top of being an asshole) for being with someone for five years and not having a plan about kids.

Birth control is a man’s matter too. If the guy didn’t want to be a dad, he could have talked about it and taken the necessary precaution to not get op’s pregnant. His reaction makes things worst.

ojoRojo 27

Do you have any family who could help? Do you have a doctor you could talk to? Please reach out for help however you can. As others have said, there are likely some resources and/or programs available to you.

I had a gal friend with a very similar story. Except this happened to her twice and both times her bf and her family practically forced the abortion pill down her throat. It really ****** her up mentally. I guess what I am trying to say is, find someone trustworthy to confide in over this and get away from the bf swiftly, without raising his alarms. You need support and a clear mind to make YOUR right decision right now. It just might be the hardest decision you ever have to make so there's no space for toxicity like him right now.

That situation is one of my greatest fears. it's interesting that the morning after pill holds no stigma but the abortion pill feels like a weighty decision. When it's basically the same thing, except the abortion pill gives you about 11 weeks to decide if you're ready or not.

It_gets_better 19

Probably because the morning after pill prevents implantation of the embryo and a lot of people feel you aren't actually pregnant if it hasn't implanted yet but abortion pills force it out after it has already implanted. So you could say one prevents the pregnancy and the other terminates an established pregnancy.

That's good to know thanks. I've always consider pregnancy to happen when sperm merges with egg. Implantation of the embryo happens about 5-6 days later, interesting that we've picked that point to raise the moral ante.

You knew he was a scumbag long before you let him knock you up so you did it to yourself. Welcome to the single moms club.

Putting the blame solely on OP without knowing all the circumstances says a lot about you.

Op please keep the baby there’s lot of assistance programs that will help you get on your feet. I’m praying for u