By vanessa_d15 - 10/11/2009 09:09 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I were lying in his bed watching football when it went to commercial. He started kissing my neck and trying to get me turned on. Then I remembered we'd be going to visit his mom soon, where we'd be playing Wii. That thought turned me on more than my boyfriend did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 509
You deserved it 23 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dynoblaze 1

Then dump your bf and get the Wii vibrator. The Wii can also reward you constantly through different games and it's sports will always get you moving. Annnd it won't ever ask you to swallow.

gatorcheer 0

You can always count on technology.


gatorcheer 0

You can always count on technology.

ryguy997 0

so u are prob a filthy lesbian. DEAL WITH IT DIRTY BASTARD!!! GAY ASSHOLE ***** USER!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!'

HunterOrHunted 0

Hmm, no wonder my controllers are sticky :O

Dynoblaze 1

Then dump your bf and get the Wii vibrator. The Wii can also reward you constantly through different games and it's sports will always get you moving. Annnd it won't ever ask you to swallow.

perdix 29

His Wii must be quite Wii then. Plus, he doesn't want to stick it in your Xbox.

yes!!! I love wiu puns!!! I absolutely hate you for coming up with it before I did.

poor boyfriend his wii doesnt turm you amd you have to turn to a differet wii

perdix 29

I can understand why you might be turned on more by the hours of fun you get from a Wii than you are by a football addict. Girls don't really like the Two-Minute Drill.

Planning on having a little fun with the wiimote, are we?

"Faster, faster! Oh yes, YES!" screamed OP as she won the hardest level on mario kart.

Wow because we were all worried you were serious.

You got wet from thinking about the crappiest console ever made over your boyfriend's kissing? You need help, serious help. Raving Rabbids Go Home right? It has to be that game or else getting wet to Mario is just too wrong. Either way you need heavy, heavy medication.