By BrokeButSmart - 23/08/2012 05:24 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, my boss reprimanded me in front of the rest of the staff for "not following instructions" because I went to a company meeting. I have the email from him telling me to go to the meeting. He thinks I faked it. Unemployment sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 049
You deserved it 1 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Yeah, unemployment sucks. You know what sucks more? Having a disgruntled former employee post your information on an adult male services website. You're welcome.


Sounds like this boss is a few cards short of a full deck...

Why would anyone fire you for going to a meeting

neans1416 1

Since you have that emailing proving your boss said to go to tht meeting and you got fired for doing your job also if people saw you there you can sue the company ass! What a horrible boss and karma will be a such a bitch to him when he least expects it!

FYL Op but it sounds to me like you have a wrongful termination suit. At very least you can get a severance from the incident as well as your unemployment. Even if they delete you email account they have to provide access to the system if your attorney files an order for it. The information can be recovered most likely. If not the company get in trouble for not following data retention laws.

Replace 'boss' with 'wife', 'staff' with 'children' and 'meeting' with 'bar' and you get a complete different picture. =-o Seriously though, you got a good hand for a law suit, take it up and fight for it. Would you really want to work under a boss like that? I wouldn't..

noisebox 1

Another retard boss story in the unreal world of FML....

FireFlie07 20

If you have the email and he fired you then it's wrongful termination

My ex-boss fired me after I found out that he lived 1/2 a block away from me, saying I was late & had lost company money (which I wasn't late & didn't didn't lose money. A quick background check on him showed he lied about his residence (near me & not out of town), his age (32 instead of 28) & that he has 6 different aliases & that his caller ID (swag inc) actually belongs to a clothing company & NOT him....he also claimed to own 11% of the company he works for...unfortunately for me it was an "at will" job, so I haven't much recourse for a law suite for a months lost work.

punkin92 2

You should sew he can't do that and that email will hold up in court

Exactly, sew his ass! (Although he might sue you for that.)