Unfair dismissal

By representative - 20/04/2017 00:00

Today, I was let go without warning at work. Why? Because my boss saw some comments I'd posted. Nothing I'd said was offensive or controversial, but he said he didn't care, because he didn't agree with it and didn't want me to "smear" the company name. I represent the company? I just serve coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 749
You deserved it 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd need to know what the comments were in order to judge if this is an FYL or a YDI...

This is why I never friend anyone from work on social media unless we are actually good friends outside of the office. I already spend enough hours in the day with work people to be worrying what they think of me when I'm not there. Last thing I want is for my boss to be judging me by anything other than my productivity and performance.


I'd need to know what the comments were in order to judge if this is an FYL or a YDI...

Just for clarification: what was the post in question that got you fired?

This is why I never friend anyone from work on social media unless we are actually good friends outside of the office. I already spend enough hours in the day with work people to be worrying what they think of me when I'm not there. Last thing I want is for my boss to be judging me by anything other than my productivity and performance.

Might not have been a FB friend and just a comment/reply on a post by a group both happen to like.

tease_ftx 8

sounds like partly your fault for having your comments viewable by coworkers or having them as friends on social media however if they werent offensive and only an opinion you may be able to get retribution for unjustly being fired.

this is why you NEVER use your real name online, add/ friend coworkers, or list your occupation/location. what happened to internet safety 101?

assuming its Starbucks, its ok the unicorn frappuccino launch was insane

It's common for most companies to have a policy against ANY employee speaking poorly about the company, coworkers, clients, customers, or experiences on social media. YDI

mariri9206 32

It may not have been about company/clients/coworkers/customers/experiences. It could have been another controversial topic that OP spoke their opinion on. I also serve/sell coffee but, when I was first hired, my boss specifically said during paperwork/going over the handbook that we need to clarify/specify that something is our opinion, and not the opinion of the company, so, if it's something that could be related to my employer, I try to put in that it's my opinion and my opinion only. Otherwise, we could get fired/reprimanded.

mariri9206 32

Then again, I also have high security and privacy settings on my social media accounts so, while people can see comments I post, they can't see my workplace unless they're friends with me.

Nowhere does it say they were even talking about the company, not to mention speaking poorly about it. For all we know, they were commenting on a steak recipe and the boss is militant vegan.

The post also says that the comment wasn't controversial. So op said something about cats, or steak, or used an emoji, and got fired for it.

"...he didn't agree with it and didn't want me to "smear" the company name." Yes, they were talking about the company. Try reading more carefully next time.

Yes, you should read more clearly. Nowhere, and certainly not in your snipped quote, does it say that it is about the company. Guilt by association. Ever hear of it? If I happen to mention that I am an employee of company a, and then say something that my boss doesn't like, about anything, it is "smearing the company name" because I have referenced myself as being a member of company a. At least in a lunatics' view anyway.

WeirdUS 29

Doesn't have to be offensive or controversial anything that could portray the company it a bad light is reason enough. However, I am wondering as what it was you said that the boss would've reacted that way. You may not think of it as offensive or controversial , but that doesn't mean it wasn't. Lots of people say things they "think" aren't are are rightfully called out on it.

Brightbulb 39

I'll be honest, I was right there with you. Then that last sentence comes along and I got distracted with all the different grammatical decisions you could have made, but chose not to. Then I simply got lost and distracted.