
By this is why! - 30/10/2021 18:00 - United States

Today, my wife is angry with me for lying to her and “treating her like a child”. Knowing how long it takes her to get ready, I told her an event we were attending started an hour and a half before it really did. Even with the extra time, we barely made it. She still thinks I’m wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 505
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you did lie to her and treat her like a child, but she needs that. Until she respects your need to be at places with her on time, you're going to have to trick her like that. I don't see this ending well.

you just treated her like the narcissist she is


Well, you did lie to her and treat her like a child, but she needs that. Until she respects your need to be at places with her on time, you're going to have to trick her like that. I don't see this ending well.

you just treated her like the narcissist she is

diraven 15

Just hang in there. Wives totally let themselves go after a couple years of marriage.

Doom_Kitty 12

I don't see the problem: when she takes longer than you both agreed to leave then leave alone nd do whatever you planned. It's not like couples are glued together. You both have a life - live it.

Time for a new wife. This one doesn't seem to understand that "fashionably late" is passe!

It's important to remember that in relationships it's not you vs them its both of you versus the problem. Now go talk to your partner and get your shit figured out.

bradG 9

I lie to my hubby and work about arrival times all the time because neither understands getting me there in time.