By Justincredible69 - 29/06/2015 20:29 - United States

Today, I was legitimately sick so I called in to work. Apparently, 4 other guys on my line called in too. My boss thought we planned it. Now we're all written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 954
You deserved it 1 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you get a doctors note you might be able to clear your name.

I think the other guys planed it. FYL op


If you get a doctors note you might be able to clear your name.

Will doctors write a note for him though? I don't know what the op had that made him unable to work but it might just be a 24hour bug. I know a lot of doctors won't write notes for illnesses unless they cause the person to be off ill for more than 3 days. And if it is just a 24hour thing then the op will be better before he has a chance to go to the docs for testing :-/ If it is a more serious thing then yeah go to the docs. Fight your corner

Doctors are expensive. Who knows if OP has insurance, let alone good insurance.

Yes doctors do write notes for 24 hour bugs. what they won't do though is write a note for the previous day if you weren't in their office. so if op didnt originally go to the doc then the doc won't vouch that he was actually sick. unless it's a doc he's had for years that trusts him they won't do it.

I don't know any clever comments... Curse me for being first

I think the other guys planed it. FYL op

Or—you know—they might have a disease that is contagious, and he or his coworkers have it from going to work with someone sick.

Go to the hospital if you don't want the write-up. You can get a doctors note and it'll be expensive, but at least your name will be cleared!

sonasonic 34

Going to a private practice can nab you a doctor's note too.

It depends on OPs job. At my place of employment a Doctor's note means nothing. Regardless of the reason you miss (except bereavement) you get a mark.

Get a doctor's note mate. It will save you from a headache at work. Make an appointment with your doctor, or just call stating you need a note, and you'll be set. :)

imkool136 22

Show up and cough on his face so he knows you're not playing? Sorry op.

Don't stop there. Turn up to work and pass out just to prove your point.

christinamarie17 29

Depending on the job and how badly you need a reference, get s doctors note. If the job isn't enough to pay for the doctors visit.... Find something else. Even if it is just a write up you can find something at the same wage/better paying without the hassle.

It's a bad coincidence, but it's not your fault OP. Is it possible to get a doctor's note? Get well soon! :/

He shouldn't do that without real proof. You should still be off work, but without being written up. You can submit a complaint to your bosses boss, that should help:)

Yeah i agree with everyone else, just get the doctor's note and clear it all up.