By Leijabug - 21/04/2019 18:00

Today, my best friend and I decided to dye our hair blue. We didn’t mean to also dye the ceiling, walls, shower, or floor. We DEFINITELY didn’t mean to dye our faces the day before school pictures that cannot be rescheduled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 891
You deserved it 3 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

I’ve dyed my hair dozens of times. Not once did I ever get that shit on the ceiling. YDI

ViviMage 38

You put cream or lotion or even Vaseline on your face before you dye your hair! Can't wait to see the Smurf photos!


crazycrochetlady 12

A dab of shampoo will clean it off skin if you dont wait to clean it off.

ViviMage 38

You put cream or lotion or even Vaseline on your face before you dye your hair! Can't wait to see the Smurf photos!

julfunky 29

I’ve dyed my hair dozens of times. Not once did I ever get that shit on the ceiling. YDI

Rubbing alcohol cleans hair dye pretty easily. I suggest finding somewhere that sells it by the gallons.

Did you start headbanging before the dye was finished drying? Are you and your friend now known as Rocker Smurf, and Heavy Metal Smurf? If you were made to take your photos, I assume they're floating around the internet somewhere.

The ceiling, really?? Baby wipes are pretty good at scrubbing it off your faces And most bathroom cleaner wipes will help clean up your parents bathroom

Phil 14

Every school picture day I've seen has had one day to make it up if someone wasn't there... so I'm not really believing this one.