By Anonymous - 04/06/2017 00:00

Today, my hate for my mother-in-law now outweighs my love for my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 753
You deserved it 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one sensible solution to this problem. Go over to her house and shit in her mailbox.

There's a subreddit called "justnoMIL" which might be of interest to you if you aren't already acquainted. I hope you'll be okay.


Sorry OP, that really sucks :/ Hopefully things will work out for the best, either way...

You should have an open discussion with them both. I'm sure your husband isn't enjoying the friction between you two.

Talk it over with your husband. What is his relationship with his mother like?

There's only one sensible solution to this problem. Go over to her house and shit in her mailbox.

mitolit 12

That's funny, but it's also a federal crime... so it would not be worth it.

There's a subreddit called "justnoMIL" which might be of interest to you if you aren't already acquainted. I hope you'll be okay.

YDI until you maybe explain why.....

TallBlackAndAngree 7

id make a sex tape and send it to her

thatslifeiguess7 16

I call mine a hexenbeast! She shuns my wife for being gay. Does your hubby not back you up when she acts a bitch? Part of my wife's issue was standing up for me to her mom at her dad's memorial service. Huge hugs

I can't imagine how hard it is for some people when their parents won't accept them for who they are. It's sort of tragic and you end up hoping that some day, while they may not necessarily like it, they'll still support you because you're their child.

I take it if she was on fire and you had to piss. You use the bathroom across the street