By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 05:37 - United States

Today, my aunt informed me that she thinks I'm faking the debilitating disease I've had for the past 13 years. Apparently she thinks I just don't want to go to college or get a job, and that I like living on disability. She also added that my entire extended family agrees with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 711
You deserved it 6 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Herbal_fml 0

What specific debilitating disease? Should have said the name. Then I could have googled it.

#06 - The OP said they suffer from a DISEASE, not a DISABILITY. There are numerous debilitating diseases out there that would prevent someone from going to work or school. It's very tactless of your aunt to have said something like that to you, particularly if you've been to the doctor. This situation is a hard FML, because it all depends on how the OP is acting... Still, FYL for having to deal with someone who can be so rude.


ozymandias_fml 0

Maybe you should think about acting lessons.

Weird_Gurl7504 0

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Autoshot 9

So ok EVERYONE is wrong and YOU are right. Surrrreee...

Herbal_fml 0

What specific debilitating disease? Should have said the name. Then I could have googled it.

what a bitch! that's horrible! Dont mind them, they're idiots.

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The_9th_Doctor 18

Well, when so many other people do it all across the U.S. just so they can sit on the ******* couch and watch their "stories" everyday.. It's not surprising to hear this.

ozymandias_fml 0

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There are many things that can stop you, I suffer from a severe disability too (JRA) meaning I am left in chronic crippling pain, in all of my large joints, often (like now) leaving me unable to walk, stand or even get out of bed sometimes for months in a row. This has caused me to struggle with attending school for years and in the ten years since being diagnosed I have attended a total of about 4 years worth of school (when adding the days together). It is very possible to have a diseases that stops you from being able to go to college because it is a real worry for me if I will be able to. You should try to be more understanding of people and their struggles, living with this isn't easy and what your doing doesn't help either.

I may be biased but I watched my family abuse disability insurance. To top it all off they were telling me how I didn`t work hard enough to provide for them, I was working full time and attending college. The best cure to anything is to get out, and keep you`re mind off it, if you can`t do that you`re not helping yourself at all. I don`t know whats more enjoyable, sitting around doing nothing, or making an effort to do something.

rttr 18

Damn dude, you could have written am FML.

Sometimes you just can't go and do stuff to get your mind off of a disability. Think Cystic fibrosis would allow you to do that? And several of the more severe auto immune disorders that lock joints completely and cause extreme pain?

#06 - The OP said they suffer from a DISEASE, not a DISABILITY. There are numerous debilitating diseases out there that would prevent someone from going to work or school. It's very tactless of your aunt to have said something like that to you, particularly if you've been to the doctor. This situation is a hard FML, because it all depends on how the OP is acting... Still, FYL for having to deal with someone who can be so rude.

ozymandias_fml 0

#8 -- The disease may be the cause, but any deviation from a normal standard of life that requires special accommodation is considered a disability. Diabetes falls under this. It is a disease, and creates a need for special accommodations. My college recently had to install 'Sharps' containers in the dorms due to accommodating diabetes students. If you have a legitimate illness, and have to miss class for treatment, the professors are *required by law* to allow you extra time to make up the material -- even tests. Any disease that would prevent you from going to college, or getting a job would have to be a *severe* disability, by definitions of the words.

Mads_1234 28

Something like diabetes is debilitating, but it can't stop you from going to college or getting a job, you just have to be more careful than most people.

You need to slap a hoe. I have family member who is dependent on disability, and she would much rather be physically able to have a job than live on government money.