Suspicious Minds

By Anonymous - 29/04/2021 20:08

Today, I found out that my parents have always believed that every single time I have ever showed emotion, I was faking it and that I'm actually a sociopath with no feelings. I was kicked out of the theater department at my college for my poor acting skills, and they know it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 130
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But are you a sociopath? Google it and think about it. You didn’t actually say it one way or the other. If you are a caring emphatic person, I am sorry that your parents misunderstood you. If you only care about your own feelings and have no empathy (Google empathy) for the feelings of others that is one definition for a sociopath. If that is the case, your parents and those around you have my sympathy. Sociopaths do not lack feelings, it just that they are only interested in their own personal feelings and advantage. But failing at college level dramatic stage acting does not preclude you from having sociopathic tendencies. The two things - stage acting/memorizing lines and being empathetic are neither the same nor mutually exclusive. They are two completely different skills and characteristics.

Ambrily 27

What reasons do your parents have to believe something like that, though?


But are you a sociopath? Google it and think about it. You didn’t actually say it one way or the other. If you are a caring emphatic person, I am sorry that your parents misunderstood you. If you only care about your own feelings and have no empathy (Google empathy) for the feelings of others that is one definition for a sociopath. If that is the case, your parents and those around you have my sympathy. Sociopaths do not lack feelings, it just that they are only interested in their own personal feelings and advantage. But failing at college level dramatic stage acting does not preclude you from having sociopathic tendencies. The two things - stage acting/memorizing lines and being empathetic are neither the same nor mutually exclusive. They are two completely different skills and characteristics.

Ambrily 27

What reasons do your parents have to believe something like that, though?

bleachedraven 14

Chazzster makes some excellent points. Ambrily asks a valid question.. I'd like to expand on that question. It may be time to step back and examine your behaviour. Failing acting classes isn't a big sign...but what other behaviours are you displaying that would make your mum or dad believe you to be a sociopath? Maybe you are a little self consumed and need to start thinking about more than just yourself. Are you contributing to your friends and family's life or just consuming their energy? Maybe this is a wake up call. Your parents may be over exaggerating, take it with a grain of salt and see it as a moment to self evaluate. Take care let yourself grow in a good way!

you dropped out on purpose so they would only think you're a bad actor of course, total sociopath parents do be