Thanks for the support

By Anonymous - 05/01/2022 10:59

Today, my dad completely disregards my mental health, insists mental disorders are just excuses for laziness in my generation, so even though I have crippling depression, at times he has no sympathy and will mercilessly bully me into “snapping out of it” and to "get a damn job already." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 036
You deserved it 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're a minor, you could report him to Child Protective Services, If you're an adult, get therapy.

Doom_Kitty 12

And he doesn't notices that trying the same over and over again with the same result is a dumb idea? I thing stupidity should be accepted as a disorder, too^^


If you're a minor, you could report him to Child Protective Services, If you're an adult, get therapy.

Doom_Kitty 12

And he doesn't notices that trying the same over and over again with the same result is a dumb idea? I thing stupidity should be accepted as a disorder, too^^

emacdonald239 8

I feel you, my dad is very similar. I try to explain my anxiety and he says I just need to get out more. that is exactly what I shouldn't do.. I definitely understand your hurt and frustration.