By Clumsyblonde22 - 04/06/2011 11:22 - United States

Today, my aunt gave my cat aspirin because when she touched his nose he had a 'fever'. I came home to a dead cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 218
You deserved it 4 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your relatives came back to a dead aunt?

I'm sorry for your loss :( some people....


does she have demnsia? cuzmy gram does an that sounds like something she'd do

iluvmusic8128 0

I feel so bad for you! R.I.P kitty!

snator 0

I hope this is a fake one.. RIP

hapy_pig098 13

D': it was his time !!!!! *weep weep* hey do you mind punching your aunt for me ^_^

I'm so sorry for your loss, I work at an Emergency Vet Clinic and I took a call once from an older lady who had put Baby Oragel on her cat's gums because they looked red. I told her not to do it again because it could be harmful. She laughed hysterically at me, and said, "If it was harmful, why would they give it to BABIES???" Some older people just seem like they can't comprehend that drugs affect different species differently.

How do you not know this information? It's like dogs n chocolate!

Aww poor you! Tell your aunt and tell her to get you another cat. Even if it means being overly honest. Or a bit rude. Or ask a kid you know to Beg for it!

If you see that a cat is really sick, you don't give it a hole aspirin, but only a quarter, dissolved in water