By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 23:54 - United States

Today, my 5 year old-son and I went out for a walk. As I was looking in a shop's the window display, I turned around to see my son pooping into an open manhole on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 758
You deserved it 9 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdatribe23 0

hahaha sounds like my sister... she's 14.

giantsfan2010 23

I really hope you punished him for that.


Fresh4416 0

Well my neighbor decided to follow me when I was with my friends and do that.....

bet you didn't check if he needed to use the bathroom the whole time you were out. I chalk this up as bad parenting.

That's awesome you shouldve taken a pic of it

At least he knows how sewer systems work!

that is awesome. kids are great, that's a story you'll treasure forever.

I get the impression that if he'd fallen in while your back was turned, you would have looked around a few minutes later, shrugged and gone on home. Either train your kid better or actually, you know, keep an eye on him.

neuroticallyours 0

picture or it didn't happen. I call serious bullshit on this one.