
By Anonymous - 20/07/2022 20:00 - United States - Gladwyne

Today, I found out that my nephew isn’t actually aroace (aromantic/asexual). He lied so I would stop asking him about his love life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 145
You deserved it 1 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's to be expected when you intrude to irritating proportions

Why the hell are you even asking your nephew such inappropriate and intrusive questions? that's so gross and not your business no matter how old he is


Aroace? Such a fancy word! In my day, such a person was called a "loser."

Well stop asking stupid questions, they're annoying and usually not your business. It's creepy asking such personal questions especially from your own relative. I have had multiple miscarriages and nobody except my partner knows, mum knew about first two. Rest have asked, and gotten reply "sorry I don't do surrogacy, maybe ask someone else". My sex life is none of your business, my pregnancy and children none of your business, and you should be grateful he found a way out without cutting you off. Though it seems he is going to have one less relative to care about soon. Silly human, discussion about having children are between people who want to have them together not family project

That's to be expected when you intrude to irritating proportions

Why the hell are you even asking your nephew such inappropriate and intrusive questions? that's so gross and not your business no matter how old he is