By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 851
You deserved it 7 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be like that OP. It's the thought that counts. Yes either way you paid for your own gift but 1. As your wife your bills are hers and 2. She clearly knows you well enough not to even ask you want you want for your bd. This isn't an FML but rather a coincidence. Quit bitching a be happy with the wife you have and your new vinyl.

no...? he didnt get the Money back? why would he?


Don't be like that OP. It's the thought that counts. Yes either way you paid for your own gift but 1. As your wife your bills are hers and 2. She clearly knows you well enough not to even ask you want you want for your bd. This isn't an FML but rather a coincidence. Quit bitching a be happy with the wife you have and your new vinyl.

ccabrer 1

hahaha omg I just laughed so hard at this.. (*sigh*) the married life... it happens. -Cabrera Wife

so technically he kept the money because she Paid for it with his money but got his money back so its a win win

no...? he didnt get the Money back? why would he?

wow. at least she got you something you'd like. you sound like a dick