Age appropriate

By Anonymous - 14/07/2020 20:01

Today, I got refused a Red Bull because I didn't have my ID on me and you have to be over 16 to legally buy one. I'm 26 and was paying for petrol for the car that I was going to drive away in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 456
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have your ID on you if you’re driving, but that situation is definitely ridiculous.

I mean, just 1 question why the hell were you driving a car without your license on you? Generally that's frowned upon.


You should have your ID on you if you’re driving, but that situation is definitely ridiculous.

So we are supposed to believe you were able to rent a car without a license?

Kristoffer 35
Wadlaen 23

Who said anything about the car being rented?

Driving without an ID? I hope for your sake you are white. For that the cops will just shake you down for money.

what happens if you're black driving without a liscense? the cops will shoot you?

rotflqtms_ 21

Yeah, or kneel on our necks to make it look like an accident.

Do you not watch the news. That's exactly what happens if you're black. the cops shoot you.

Mathalamus 24

I could see that happening...

I mean, just 1 question why the hell were you driving a car without your license on you? Generally that's frowned upon.

Kristoffer 35

YDI for driving without your license.

bewareimaninja 5

But like where do you need an id for redbull?

heeeeyitsbrittney 12

That’s what I want to know!

You need ID to buy Red Bull here in England

Yep, UK. Can't sell energy drinks to under-16's. Also don't need to have your license on you when driving.

mccuish 25

I didn’t know you needed ID to buy red bull

clover1983 12

The moment when people realize that there are other countries beside the USA and laws are different every where 🙄

Mooglefox 23

Wait, you have to be carded to buy Red Bull?