By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, it was the début of the high school musical I was in. When two others and I sang the word "Hell", my mother yelled at us for using that language, while the musical was still going, and dragged me off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 995
You deserved it 3 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was probably more entertaining than the rest of the musical. Excellent performance OP.

Now that's something that you CAN'T laugh off!


I will never understand people's need to get so upset over words. If you're not insulting someone, it's just a word. The only thing that makes it bad is someone saying it is.

I feel so bad for you OP. That seriously sucks. Extreme Mum - sheesh she needs to relax a bit... what did everyone else do?

doglover100 28

It's just a word. She needs to chill out.

L1wolf 6

she obvusly has some real bad hangups and needs to quit babying you.

still_guns 16

oh my god. she'd hate Blood Brothers then. I hope the school chucked her out. ******* douchebag mums, i've got one

that is ridiculously hilarious & your mom is great

considering your mom is so serious about curse words I'd fill her in next time in advance, though it's beyond funny, your mom is way over the top, hopefully you'll be able to live it down soon

CaroAurelia 12

Jesus, MY mother's not even that bad!

Jeez it's not even that bad of a word.